The contexting essay & “Wind Sun clouds” comic strips

Putting out newsletters is not my forte…!
Here are some updates:

In May of last year I was given the opportunity by the wonderful people at Pari Center to give a presentation about my “Wind Sun Clouds” comic strip project, which is in fact an attempt to combine a form of meditation and Bohm dialogue with the art of short comic strips. Sometimes a page is funny, sometimes it is not.
>>> YouTube link

Make sure you also check out the other two presentations from that Zoom session!
For those who missed them on social media, here are some of my oldies (also mentioned in the presentation):

Last year I also published my first essay on my philosophy of “contexting” or “active context”. It involves a process-based, holistic and organic worldview.
You can read it here:
Warning: it is quite dense, and the ideas have underwent some refining. A second version is becoming imminent…
+ The past months I have been doing more research to link with existing theories or views from different domains that fit into the holistic worldview that I am trying to unfold.

Currently I am in the middle of producing new artwork – comic strips, ceramic sculptures and free work in various media – more inspired by my philosophical explorations and with the intention to create new visual orders and to infuse more spontaneity and liveliness in the pictures.
